Member Detail


IDA Ireland


Ireland’s inward investment promotion agency, IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency) is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland.   The IDA is focused on securing investment from new and existing clients in the areas of High End Manufacturing, Global Services (including Financial Services) and Research, Development and Innovation. Key sectors within these areas for investment are Life Sciences (Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Technologies), Information Communications Technology (ICT), Engineering, Professional Services, Digital Media, Consumer Brands and International Services. And looking to the future, are actively focusing on emerging areas such as Clean Technology, Convergence and Services Innovation. These areas offer exciting new overseas investment opportunities and are ideally suited to the Irish skill-set, experience and in the case of Clean Technology, geography and climate. They attract overseas and inward investment by: Focusing on business sectors that are closely matched with the emerging needs of the Irish economy and that can operate competitively in global markets from an Irish base.   They compile up-to-date statistics and facts for research and development in industry, the economy and foreign direct investment in Ireland.   Building links between international businesses and third level education, academic and research centers to ensure the necessary skills and research and development capabilities are in place.   Pursuing Ireland’s policy of becoming a knowledge-based economy by actively building world-leading clusters of knowledge-based activities.   Strongly influencing the competitive needs of Ireland’s economy by actively engaging in the development of infrastructure and business support services, telecoms, education, regulatory issues especially in relation to EU policy.

Company Phone: +353 (0)21 4800210

IDA Ireland South West Regional Office
Industry House, Rossa Avenue
Co. Cork

Web Site:

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